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Lego Camp
West Haven School District
Grade level/Age Range of Students in Program:  This year there are 172 students enrolled in the program. This total is divided into two groups: Students entering grades 4 and 5 in the Fall (100) and students entering grades 7 and 8 in the Fall (72).

Primary Student Needs Program is Designed to Address

The primary goal of the program is to maintain or increase students’ engagement in school.  
A specific secondary goal is to increase students’ coding ability.  A tertiary goal is to improve students’ ability to work collaboratively.

Most Innovative or Successful Elements of the Program

The program is organized around kits purchased from Lego and computers supplied by the district.  Students are organized into teams of 2 or three.  They are provided with brief instruction in how to use a provided coding program in the computer to drive the activities of the robotic structures they construct from material in the Lego kit.  Students are then given a series of activities they must accomplish by modifying both their robots and the coding necessary to drive them.  There is little group instruction.  As students actively engage in their problem-solving activities, teachers are circulating in a large library space providing guidance and direction when and if necessary, an activity described as “Reflective Intervention”.  Students are allowed to take home their finished products at the conclusion of the program.  Observation confirmed a high degree of engagement and collaborative problem solving on the part of students.

How Are the Outcomes of the Program Measured

An exit survey is being designed to ascertain students’ attitude toward school at the conclusion of the program.  Attendance and performance will be monitored of students enrolled in the program in the Fall.

Operational Features

The program operates Monday through Friday from 9am to 1pm.  Breakfast, lunch and transportation are provided.  The program runs from June 20 to July 1.  There is no community partner.

Staff Selection/Recruitment Procedures

All positions are posted and any staff member may apply.  Final selection is at the discretion of the Director.  There is a ratio of one teacher for every six students.

Student Selection/Recruitment Procedures

There is open enrollment for the program.  Any interested student may attend.  This year there was a small waiting list.  School based teams focus on students they think will especially benefit from the program and encourage their attendance.

Program Contact
Nicole Danishevsky   |