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Academic Summer Program with Summer Camp Option
Watertown School District
Grade level/Age Range of Students in Program:  Grades 1-8, Academic Summer Program
Grades 8-12, Watertown Tuition Summer School Program
Watertown High School Summer School Bridge Program

Primary Student Needs Program is Designed to Address

For Academic Summer Program with Summer Camp purpose is for students that would benefit from academic continuity.

For Watertown High School Summer Bridge Program purpose is for students transition to WHS that would benefit from orientation experiences. Attendees earn.5 credit toward graduation.

Most Innovative or Successful Elements of the Program

  • Students in grades1-6 rotate through three phases of the program: a 45minute block of language arts, a 45 block of mathematics and a 45minute block of an enrichment activity.
  • Students in grades 6-8 have 3 days of academics, 2 days of field trips and 5 days a week of a camp experience.

How Are the Outcomes of the Program Measured

  • At the end of the program a report will be prepared for how well each student did that attended, along with the report a record of their attendance will be shared.
  • Attendance at summer school for participating students will be listed on their record as an intervention.

Operational Features

Grades 1-2 meets T, W, R from June 28- July 27 from 8:30-11:15, transportation provided. Adventure Camp meets Monday through Friday from June 27-August 5 from 1-5pm, transportation not provided. Grades 3-5 meets M, T, R from June 27- July 28 from 8:30-11:15. Camp offered on M, T, R after academic programming (at 11:15) and for full days on Wednesdays and Fridays from 8:30-3pm. Transportation to the academic program and camp is provided. Grades 6-8 meets M, T, F from June 27-July 29 from 8:45-11:30. Camp offered on M, T, F after academic programming (at 11:15) and for full days on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8:45-3:15pm. Transportation to the academic program and camp is provided.

Staff Selection/Recruitment Procedures

The positions are posted and there were more than enough staff members interested in working.

Student Selection/Recruitment Procedures

Invitations are sent to the families of students that district feels would benefit from the program.

Spring data sets are used to determine students that may benefit from program, SRBI coordinators have the first look at students followed by the PLC teams. Students may be struggling, but don’t have ESY in their programming.

Program Contacts
Lisa M. Fekete, Director of Operations, Curriculum and Instruction   |