Summer Academy and Extended Year Program
Waterford School District
Grade level/Age Range of Students in Program: PK-12; Student Enrollment: 265;
Staff Enrollment: 67
Primary Student Needs Program is Designed to Address
The program was designed to help students maintain skills in Math and ELA in a fun learning environment. To do this, teachers instructed using curriculum based standards and practices. This approach was selected to ensure that best practices were employed and students were familiar with the instructional routines.
The program had an application component in science and social studies through “Guest Teacher” classes. Personnel from local and regional organizations and agencies added dynamic components to summer learning. Art and PE classes were also offered.
Most Innovative or Successful Elements of the Program
- Very favorable ratios of adults to students facilitated high levels of individualization.
- The program benefitted from the participation of 40 high school students who had been vetted and trained. They were fulfilling their LTS requirement (Learning Through Service). Some students were exploring possible career
- Guest Teachers”—Community partners helped to enrich the learning and provide application experiences in content areas.
How Are the Outcomes of the Program Measured
- Attendance
- Potential to use performance data (specifics not yet developed)
Operational Features
Operation Days: Monday-Thursday; July 6-August 11
Hours for ESY: 8-12; Hours for K; 9-12; Hours for Summer Academy Grades 1-12: 8:30-11:15
Transportation provided for ESY students only
Community Partners: Waterford Police; Pars & Recreation; Waterford Youth Service Bureau; Waterford Fire and Safety; New England Science & Sailing; Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center; Mystic Seaport; Mohegan Tribe; Stop & Shop, Supreme Pizza; Special Services; Maintenance Department; Waterford High School.
Staff Selection/Recruitment Procedures
Most staff members were recruited from within the district; did need to reach beyond.
Recruited high school students to participate as a way to learn more about education field and to fulfill their service learning requirement.
Student Selection/Recruitment Procedures
Teacher recommendations (based on academic need, absences etc.)
High school students needing credit recovery.
Program Contacts
Kim Podeszwa |
Deryn Winthrop |