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Early College High School Summer EnrichmentProgram
Waterbury School District
Grade level/Age Range of Students in Program:  Students entering grades 9 and 10

Primary Student Needs Program is Designed to Address

The primary focus of the program is to prepare incoming students for the rigorous and demanding program they will be entering in the fall of their freshman year.  Students will not only be exposed to the type of academic program they will encounter but will be able to acclimate to the school and the peers who will be in the program alongside them.  Finally, students will be allowed the opportunity to engage on a personal level with staff members from the program and establish a positive relationship in a more relaxed setting.

Most Innovative or Successful Elements of the Program

Although the summer program is relatively new, it appears that one of the most successful aspects of the program is the relationship that is built between students and staff and the relationships students build between each other.  Getting a “head start” on these relationships before the start of the school allows these students to begin a challenging academic curriculum with a greater degree of connectedness and confidence.

How Are the Outcomes of the Program Measured

Attendance in the program is closely monitored.  Also, in each academic class assessments are conducted that align with district assessments.  Most importantly to gauge the success of this summer program, early scores in the fall are compared between this group who attended the summer program and those students who chose not to attend.

Operational Features

The program runs from July 5 through July 29.  The program operates Monday through Friday from 8am to noon.  Transportation, breakfast, and lunch are provided.  There is no cost to the students for the program. 

The program is designed to be a “Summer Bridge” for students who have been selected to be in the Early College High School Program at Crosby.  This program is run in conjunction with POST University in Waterbury.  The program places selected students in advanced classes that earn POST University credit as well as high school credit.  At the completion of a successful high school career students will graduate not only with a high school diploma but with an associates degree  from POST University.  Associates degrees are in the following areas: Accounting, Criminal Justice, Early Childhood Education, Legal Studies, Management, and Marketing. 

Although the majority of students in the summer program  are entering freshmen, entering sophomores are also allowed to participate.  This summer there are 16 entering freshman and 3 entering sophomores enrolled in the program.

Students arrive at school at 8 am, are greeted, have breakfast and socialize.  Classes run from 8:25 to 10:55. Classes consist of Mathematics, English and Science.  Instruction is fairly traditional, but plans are underway to change to a more student-directed engaging instructional model. Lunch is from 10:55 until 11:15. Socialization is scheduled from 11:15 to noon.  This period is called, “Check-In”.  During this period staff interact in a casual but purposeful manner with students, establishing relationships and working to understand each student on a personal level.  This personal attention and relationship-building is a critical component of the program and may in part explain the very low attrition rate of students. 

Special activities such as field trips and job shadowing opportunities are also provided. 

Staff Selection/Recruitment Procedures

Teaching positions in the program are posted and staff apply.  Administrators also actively recruit teachers they would like to teach in the program.  Final selection of staff is at the discretion of administration.

Student Selection/Recruitment Procedures

Staff from the program reach out to advanced students in grade 8 in the fall of the year to inform them about the program.  Interested students/families apply to the program.  Following interviews with the staff (January), final applicants are selected (February).  This year 60 students applied and 40 were selected.  Of these 40, 25 students decided to enroll in the summer program, 16 students are attending the program.

Program Contacts
Mr. Sean M. Mosley, Esq., Early College High School Administrator   |