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Summer Learning
Griswold School District
Grade level/Age Range of Students in Program:  All levels: Enrichment and EYP: High School: Credit Recovery

Student Enrollment: 300; Staff: 30


Primary Student Needs Program is Designed to Address

Enrichment: Students were engaged in active learning through projects, performance and/or inquiry. Sample courses: Instrument Petting Zoo; Tech Know Maniacs; Live Stream Video Production; STEAM Projects; Around the World in Espanol; Cooperative Team Games and Sports;  Come on Baby Light My Choir; Wolverines “BANDING” Together.

Credit Recovery:  Students earned credit for High school courses that were not successfully completed during the school year (blended programming). Course titles included: A Perfect World (English 9-12); Math Path (9-12); and Plato courses.


Link to program website

Most Innovative or Successful Elements of the Program

  • Engagement in learning was the priority. By appealing to kids’ interests and active modes of learning, kids were drawn to participate and nurture a love for learning. The concept is related to the District’s goal of providing innovative learning experiences.  The program encouraged staff to use the program as a lab for innovation, carrying forth successful ideas into the school year.  There is a positive overlap between the summer school model and the District’s Catalyst Team for Innovation.
  • Middle School Advanced Math  This program is taught by a middle school math teacher with an acceleration component.  Students receive targeted instruction in priority concepts that will help them succeed in Algebra as 7th graders or Geometry as 8th graders.  In keeping with the project/inquiry model, half of the time is spent on developing concepts and the other half in applied activities.

How Are the Outcomes of the Program Measured

Enrichment Program: Currently assessing engagement by attendance and end of program student and parent surveys.

Operational Features

Two, two week sessions: June 20-30 and July 11-21;  8:00 a.m.-11:a.m. (transportation and lunch provided at no charge);

Students may exit after lunch and be transported home or they can be enrolled in the Griswold Summer Camp held on campus and sponsored by the Griswold Recreation Department.

Staff Selection/Recruitment Procedures

Staff submitted proposals according to the attached guidelines.
IDEA=what will students do; SUBJECTS=what  will students learn; SUPPLIES=what do you need to run the course; SESSION: when can you teach the course.

Student Selection/Recruitment Procedures

Teacher recommendation,  IEP driven, student/parent election

Parent audiences were reached through district communications,, social media, and direct contact with families

Program Contact
Jessica Gillespie   |
Pat Feeney   |