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Curriculum Writing Institute
Cheshire School District
Grade level/Age Range of Students in Program:  Teachers serving grades K-12

Primary Student Needs Program is Designed to Address

The Institute provided a post COVID opportunity to reimagine education by giving Cheshire teachers the opportunity to develop a robust curriculum grounded in the district’s strategic focus areas ---Complex Thinking and Social Emotional Learning.  Teachers received training on developing curricula grounded in the standards and authentic real-world tasks with the opportunity to dialog with colleagues from across the district. The Institute capitalized on two components of the Acceleration framework: ( 1) Prioritize essential concepts and skills; (2) Design academic tasks as deep learning experiences. 

The  goals  of the Institute focused on…

  1. Develop authentic performance tasks that are engaging, rigorous, tied to standards, equitable and demonstrate students complex thinking;
  2. Create a K-12 digital curriculum library that is accessible to those who teach the course;
  3. Develop a curriculum that embodies Acceleration.

The Institute was designed to capture the hearts of teachers in a post pandemic world.  Seventy-eight teachers attended.  A post Institute survey demonstrated very positive feedback from participants.

Most Innovative or Successful Elements of the Program

  • Deep and engaging teacher involvement in strengthening  post COVID curricula that promote accelerated learning, complex thinking, social emotional learning and equity;
  • Cross district dialogue that values teacher voices/teacher professionalism;
  • A continual feedback cycle that promoted continuous learning, and contributed to high quality submissions.

How Are the Outcomes of the Program Measured

  • Evidence of work. Completed curriculua materials. Products in hand;
  • Presentations to School Board and to the general staff with a feedback cycle connected to all presentations;
  • Scheduled walk throughs to measure implementation process;
  • On-going analysis of student performance data both internal and external in targeted core areas.

Operational Features

June 17-23, 2022, Full Days

Community Partners:  Partners for Educational Leadership

Staff Selection/Recruitment Procedures

Open to all staff.
Participants had to  make a commitment to attend the full 5 days.

Student Selection/Recruitment Procedures

This work was all about students.

Program Contact
Marlene Silano, Assistant Superintendent   |