CAPSS Mentor for First-Year Superintendent

CAPSS will arrange for a mentor for any first-year superintendent who would like this support. For ease of meeting, the mentor will be a superintendent in the same general geographic area; however, mentoring may also occur via telephone. Mentoring is focused on a current, experienced superintendent helping a new superintendent respond to situations by sharing their own experience in dealing with similar situations. Mentoring is usually an informal process not based on pre-established goals or objectives and does not follow a pre-established schedule or agenda. Instead, it is a process determined by the new superintendent's needs as they arise. In effect, the mentor is there when the new superintendent needs them. Mentoring works best when a collegial relationship is based on mutual respect and usually quickly evolves into both collegiality and friendship. Mentoring becomes a supporter, encourager, colleague, and friend. Your area chair will contact you to arrange a mentor.