Welcome 2 Reality LLC is a media literacy agency dedicated to providing psychoeducational opportunities to adolescents, parents, educators, social workers, and professionals nationwide.
Our team brings over 60 years of collective experience in education and social work, specializing in areas such as education, children, families, staff and administration. We offer training and professional development on topics, but not limited to:
- The Impact of Social Media
- Fatherhood Engagement
- Effective Parenting Strategies
- Racial Justice
- Self-Care
- Results-Based Facilitation
In addition to training, we provide:
- Mentoring Through Media Youth Groups
- The W2R Media Literacy Program
- Assessments and ongoing support consultations for agencies and school systems
Our advocacy efforts have contributed to significant legislative achievements in Connecticut, including:
- SB 962/PA15-94: Mandating education on safe social media use and computer programming in public schools
- SB 949/PA17-67: Establishing an advisory council for digital citizenship
At Welcome 2 Reality, LLC, we are committed to empowering communities through education, advocacy, and meaningful engagement.
Qur-an Webb
Director of Operations