What is CABBE?
Bilingual Education Advocacy, Research, and Professional Development
The Connecticut Association of Biliteracy and Bicultural Education is an organization composed of educational leaders and community partners who strive to support and advocate for bilingual education and dual language programming. We promote culturally responsive and sustaining pedagogies that support the biliteracy and academic achievement of culturally and linguistically diverse students. In addition, we support the professional development of teachers, instructional coaches, administrators, and educational consultants to improve bilingual education.
CABBE Membership
Become a member of CABBE. Benefits include:
Networking with educators and leaders in bilingual education
Professional learning and growth in bilingual education
Build capacity to advocate for your students and your program
Shared leadership to promote bilingual education policies, programming, and support in Connecticut.
Affiliation with MABE (e.g., sharing of news, events, resources)
I'd like to become a member ($40/person)
I'd like to become a member as well as attend the CABBE 2025 Virtual Conference ($45/person)
February 8, 2025 ♦ 9AM - 12:30PM
More Information
I'd like to attend the CABBE 2025 Virtual Conference only ($30/person)